Sundae was just under 14 months at her first freshening. I don’t normally breed that young but Sundae was a well-developed junior when we decided to breed her. She freshened on Apri1 1, 2021. Sundae was dried off on August 20, 2022.  Now that she is dry and all of her tests are recorded with CDCB, here are her stats:

  • Total days in milk as a first freshener: 506
  • Total milk in her 506 day lactation: 1198 lbs.
  • Total fat: 6.43% / Total Protein: 4.84%
  • Her 305 day numbers are: 810 lbs milk / 49 lbs fat/ 38 lbs protein
  • Earned her Elite status at 95th percentile of breed in 2021 but fell off the list when we moved her to once p/day milking. She will be freshening in Spring of 2024 and we hope to put her back on the list but permanently this time.
  • Earned her Advanced Registry Star through American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA)
  • Earned her Bronze JuJu Award through American Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Association (ANDDA)
  • She closes her first lactation at a +57 PTA (predicted transmitting ability)

Needless to say we’re over-the-moon excited about this sweet little doe. We are also very anxious to she how she performs as a 2nd freshener. We plan on breeding her again in fall 2022 to our newest buck, Redstone Fastbreak Sundevil. If interested in kids from this pairing, please contact us to be placed on the waiting list.